
Our Ecosystem

An ecosystem supporting our customers' intelligence-led proactive cybersecurity needs with collaborative partner programs delivering world-class joint solutions. 

Partner Program

Partner with EclecticIQ to bring valuable and innovative security solutions and services to end users. Open to all partner types, including technology developers, service providers, resellers, and community.

Our Partnerships

We partner with the world's premier technology and solution providers to support all phases of your cybersecurity needs. Explore all our partners' solutions and offerings to build and extend your cyber defense ecosystem.

EclecticIQ Resources

We are committed to increasing the knowledge and capabilities of the cybersecurity community through our research & analysis efforts and open source projects.

Browse Resources

Learn more about our technology, solutions and services, and stay updated on the cyber threat landscape with our research reports, webinars and other information.

Open Source Projects

We are proud to be an active member in the open source community and to help develop and advance progress of security technology. Learn more about contributions or go directly to our GitHub page.

Our Ecosystem

An ecosystem supporting our customers' intelligence-led proactive cybersecurity needs with collaborative partner programs delivering world-class joint solutions. 

Partner Program

Partner with EclecticIQ to bring valuable and innovative security solutions and services to end users. Open to all partner types, including technology developers, service providers, resellers, and community.

Our Partnerships

We partner with the world's premier technology and solution providers to support all phases of your cybersecurity needs. Explore all our partners' solutions and offerings to build and extend your cyber defense ecosystem.

EclecticIQ Resources

We are committed to increasing the knowledge and capabilities of the cybersecurity community through our research & analysis efforts and open source projects.

Browse Resources

Learn more about our technology, solutions and services, and stay updated on the cyber threat landscape with our research reports, webinars and other information.

Open Source Projects

We are proud to be an active member in the open source community and to help develop and advance progress of security technology. Learn more about contributions or go directly to our GitHub page.

Our Ecosystem

An ecosystem supporting our customers' intelligence-led proactive cybersecurity needs with collaborative partner programs delivering world-class joint solutions. 

Partner Program

Partner with EclecticIQ to bring valuable and innovative security solutions and services to end users. Open to all partner types, including technology developers, service providers, resellers, and community.

Our Partnerships

We partner with the world's premier technology and solution providers to support all phases of your cybersecurity needs. Explore all our partners' solutions and offerings to build and extend your cyber defense ecosystem.

EclecticIQ Resources

We are committed to increasing the knowledge and capabilities of the cybersecurity community through our research & analysis efforts and open source projects.

Browse Resources

Learn more about our technology, solutions and services, and stay updated on the cyber threat landscape with our research reports, webinars and other information.

Open Source Projects

We are proud to be an active member in the open source community and to help develop and advance progress of security technology. Learn more about contributions or go directly to our GitHub page.

Our Ecosystem

An ecosystem supporting our customers' intelligence-led proactive cybersecurity needs with collaborative partner programs delivering world-class joint solutions. 

Partner Program

Partner with EclecticIQ to bring valuable and innovative security solutions and services to end users. Open to all partner types, including technology developers, service providers, resellers, and community.

Our Partnerships

We partner with the world's premier technology and solution providers to support all phases of your cybersecurity needs. Explore all our partners' solutions and offerings to build and extend your cyber defense ecosystem.

EclecticIQ Resources

We are committed to increasing the knowledge and capabilities of the cybersecurity community through our research & analysis efforts and open source projects.

Browse Resources

Learn more about our technology, solutions and services, and stay updated on the cyber threat landscape with our research reports, webinars and other information.

Open Source Projects

We are proud to be an active member in the open source community and to help develop and advance progress of security technology. Learn more about contributions or go directly to our GitHub page.

In the News

Oyster Backdoor Spreading via Trojanized Popular Software Downloads

A malvertising campaign is leveraging trojanized installers for popular software such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Teams to drop a backdoor called Oyster (aka Broomstick and CleanUpLoader).

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'ONNX' MFA Bypass Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts

The service, likely a rebrand of a previous operation called "Caffeine," mainly targets financial institutions in the Americas and EMEA and uses malicious QR codes and other advanced evasion tactics.

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ONNX phishing service targets Microsoft 365 accounts at financial firms

A new phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform called ONNX Store is targeting Microsoft 365 accounts for employees at financial firms using QR codes in PDF attachments.

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Cyber espionage strikes India’s defence and energy sectors

Data amounting to 8.81 GB was exfiltrated by the hackers from Indian computer systems, according to analysts with EclecticIQ.

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Massive Phishing Campaign Strikes Latin America: Venom RAT Targeting Multiple Sectors

The threat actor known as TA558 has been attributed to a new massive phishing campaign that targets a wide range of sectors in Latin America with the goal of deploying Venom RAT.

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Cyberespionage Campaign Targets Government, Energy Entities in India

Multiple government entities and private energy organizations in India have been targeted in a cyberespionage campaign that uses an open source information stealer for data exfiltration, according to a warning from threat intelligence firm EclecticIQ.

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Episode March 27, 2024

Operation FlightNight targets Indian government and energy sectors.

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Hackers Hit Indian Defense, Energy Sectors with Malware Posing as Air Force Invite

Indian government entities and energy companies have been targeted by unknown threat actors with an aim to deliver a modified version of an open-source information stealer malware and exfiltrate sensitive information.

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India's government, energy sector breached in cyber-espionage campaign

Researchers have uncovered a new espionage campaign targeting Indian government agencies and the country’s energy industry with a modified version of an open-source information stealer called HackBrowserData that can collect browser login credentials, cookies and history.

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Chinese Hackers Attacking Semiconductor Industries Using Cobalt Strike Beacon

A cyber espionage campaign has been discovered in which threat actors use a variant of the HyperBro loader along with a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) lure in order to target semiconductor industries in regions like Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

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Chinese Hackers Target Semiconductor Firms in East Asia with Cobalt Strike

Threat actors have been observed targeting semiconductor companies in East Asia with lures masquerading as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) that are designed to deliver Cobalt Strike.

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Chinese Hackers Target Semiconductor Firms in East Asia with Cobalt Strike

Threat actors have been observed targeting semiconductor companies in East Asia with lures masquerading as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) that are designed to deliver Cobalt Strike beacons.

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Podcast Episode 43- Cody Barrow - Cybersecurity in the European Union Compared to the United States

Cody Barrow, Chief Strategy Officer at EclecticIQ, stops by to compare and contrast the climate of cyber and data security in Europe versus the United States.

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Episode September 1, 2023

A VMConnect supply chain attack is connected to the DPRK. Reports of an aledgedly "fully undetectable information stealer." A free decryptor is released for Key Group ransomware, and more.

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Key Group Ransomware Foiled by New Decryptor

Researchers crack Key Group's ransomware encryption and release free tool for victim organizations to recover their data.

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Free Key Group ransomware decryptor helps victims recover data

Researchers took advantage of a weakness in the encryption scheme of Key Group ransomware and developed a decryption tool that lets some victims to recover their files for free. The decryptor was created by security experts at threat intelligence company EclecticIQ.

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Good news for Key Group ransomware victims: Free decryptor out now

Even ransomware operators make mistakes, and in the case of ransomware gang the Key Group, a cryptographic error allowed a team of security researchers to develop and release a decryption tool to restore scrambled files. The decryptor only works on a specific version of the ransomware built around August 3, according to threat intel provider EclecticIQ.

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PDF lures aimed at NATO countries contain a Russian clue

The latest attempts by hackers to spy on government agencies in NATO countries include a variant of the Russia-linked Duke malware, according to new research.

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Manually patch this Zimbra bug that's under attack

A vulnerability in Zimbra's software is being exploited right now by miscreants to compromise systems and attack selected government organizations, experts reckon.

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The art of managing cyber risk

Managing cyber risk has surged to the top of the supervisory concerns for financial regulators globally, implemented within a broader agenda of operational resilience, following increased attacks during the COVID 19 pandemic and geopolitical turmoil.

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Private equity 'presents cyber security risk' for asset managers

Asset managers face greater cyber security risks when investing in the private equity market, according to experts.

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[FIC 2023] : les gangs de ransomware sont-ils des entreprises comme les autres ? (French)

Ces derniers mois, un grand nombre de groupes de ransomware as a service (RaaS) ont disparu ou réduit leur activité. Leurs revenus sont, par ailleurs, en baisse en raison de la chute des cryptomonnaies, une plus grande maturité des entreprises et le renforcement du cadre réglementaire.

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Cybersecurity misconceptions

Organisations often mistakenly think that cybersecurity regulations are there to protect them when in fact they are there to protect the data.

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De toekomst van cybercrime (Dutch)

Moet de KNVB de Lockbit-hackers betalen of niet? Hoe kunnen we voorkomen dat hackers hun vaardigheden verkeerd inzetten? En wat zegt het cyberopperhoofd van Oekraïne over de digitale oorlog met Rusland?

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LockBit crew cooks up half-baked Mac ransomware

LockBit has developed ransomware that can encrypt files on Arm-powered Macs, said to be a first for the prolific cybercrime crew.

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Dark Pink APT group linked to new KamiKakiBot attacks in Southeast Asia

The latest APT cyberattacks on ASEAN countries use similar techniques as a previous Dark Pink KamiKakiBot campaign, including phishing.

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KamiKakaBot Malware Used in Latest Dark Pink APT Attacks on Southeast Asian Targets

The Dark Pink advanced persistent threat (APT) actor has been linked to a fresh set of attacks targeting government and military entities in Southeast Asian countries with a malware called KamiKakaBot.

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Logiciel malveillant KamiKakaBot utilisé dans les dernières attaques APT rose foncé sur des cibles d’Asie du Sud-Est (French)

Le Rose foncé L’acteur de la menace persistante avancée (APT) a été lié à une nouvelle série d’attaques ciblant des entités gouvernementales et militaires dans les pays d’Asie du Sud-Est avec un malware appelé KamiKakaBot.

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DeFi Hack Recovers Stolen Funds; Blacklotus Bypasses Windows Secure Boot

EclecticIQ Intelligence and Research team looks at the impact SBV’s collapse has had on the cyber threat landscape, Emotet return after a three-month hiatus and the distribution of malware through abusing Google search ads.

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10 European defence tech startups to watch, according to investors

European investors are asked for their picks of upcoming defence startups from the region. From metaverse defence simulations and hyperspectral imaging to robot tanks — here are the 10 companies they chose

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EclecticIQ CEO and Founder, Joep Gommers, joined Peter Warren of PassW0rd (Resonance FM) to discuss the cybersecurity aspect of the future of work.

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2023 - Threat Intelligence Predictions

As we look forward to 2023, EclecticIQ’s Intelligence and Research team started by looking back on last year’s growth and change in cybersecurity. 2022 brought about changes in malware so-called “Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures” (TTPs) and threat actor groups.

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NATO Innovation and Technology Issue #8

Our founder & CEO Joep Gommers was interviewed by NATO’s technology and innovation magazine – NITECH – on how EclecticIQ helps NATO and other organizations build a resilient, threat-informed cyber defence.

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Russian hackers targeting Dutch gas terminal: report

Hackers are doing “exploratory research” into the systems of the Dutch LNG terminals, trying to find ways into the systems.

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'Russische hackers hebben het gemunt op Nederlandse gasinstallaties' (Dutch)

Hackers hebben interesse in de systemen van Nederlandse LNG-terminals. Ze onderzoeken of ze binnen kunnen komen en voeren andere verkennende operaties uit. Dat zien onderzoekers van cyberbeveiliger Dragos. Volgens de FBI en andere onderzoekers zijn de groepen gelieerd aan Rusland. Experts vrezen dat de terminals binnenkort digitaal worden aangevallen en mogelijk worden platgelegd.

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Comprendre le fonctionnement des hackers pour une meilleure cyber sécurité (French)

Pour mieux protéger les organisations, EclecticIQ propose d’anticiper les cyber attaques en analysant les modes opératoires des hackers et en détectant les signaux faibles grâce à une plateforme de renseignement sur les cyber menaces.

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Collaboration is key to a stronger cyber resilience, says cybersecurity expert

Joep Gommers, Founder and CEO of cyber threat intelligence firm EclecticIQ, explains why intelligence sharing is an indispensable part of a country’s cybersecurity strategy.

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The Top of the Netherlands (Dutch)

Is Europe too dependent on US companies when it comes to cybersecurity? In 'The Top of the Netherlands', an extensive conversation with Joep Gommers, CEO of EclecticIQ.

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Soonicorn Club 2022: Top Tech Startups In Netherlands

The ‘Soonicorn Club of Netherlands Tech 2022’ is an exclusive list of the most promising Netherlands Tech startups that have also reached significant valuation milestones over the previous few years.

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EclecticIQ, Protection Contre la Cybercriminalité (French)

La nécessité du développement de la cybersécurité n’a jamais été aussi prégnante. Les cybercrimes prolifèrent et entraînent des coûts exubérants à l'échelle mondiale.

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Das Beste für Daten? Sichere Käfighaltung! (German)

Die Digitalisierung macht viele INNOVATIONEN überhaupt erst möglich, eröffnet aber auch Einfallstore für ungebetene Gäste, wenn Security und sichere Datenhaltung nicht beachtet werden.

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Van Huffelens overvolle agenda: van datacenters tot nepnieuws (Dutch)

Nederland heeft eindelijk een kabinetspost voor digitale zaken. Veel Europese landen gingen het kabinet-Rutte IV hierin al voor. Achter de vage taakomschrijving schuilen zware actuele thema's.

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Six Innovative Cybersecurity Companies in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a hotbed of cybersecurity development, as security companies innovate new ways to apply emerging AI, automation, analytics and collaboration technology. Here are six innovative cybersecurity companies working on security technology that IT leaders in business can’t afford to ignore.

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The Other Scary Virus

A Dutch company develops software using cybersecurity threat data to predict the strikes and stop the attackers before they hit companies and governments

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Delen van Dreigingsinformatie Als Interessante Business (Dutch)

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Article FD: Cyber Security Organisations Call for National Government to Take Control in Fight Against Cybercrime

On Friday 17 September an interview with Hans de Vries, director National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) was published in FD. In this article de Vries mentions that the approach to cybercrime in the Netherlands is too fragmented and that following the French example, there should be a cybercrime campus where all parties involved collaborate more intensively.

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IT-beveiligers Pleiten voor Landelijke Regie in Strijd Tegen Cybercriminaliteit (Dutch)

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EU Invests Millions in Cybersecurity

The European Union is investing millions of euros into the creation of a next-generation cybersecurity platform that could identify, fix and analyze cyberthreats quickly.

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Europees Geld voor Expansie EclecticIQ (Dutch)

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Investment Plan for Europe Supports Development of Next-generation Cyber Security Platform

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a €15 million financing deal with Dutch cybersecurity company EclecticIQ, a leader in threat intelligence, hunting and response technology and services.

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Peeters biedt Dedonder Europees geld voor Belgische defensie aan (Dutch)

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EIB-geld Moet Wereldspeler Maken van Nederlands Cyberveiligheidsbedrijf EclecticIQ (Dutch)

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Biden: “Cyber breach of great consequence” may lead to “real shooting war”

President Joe Biden has warned in the wake of high profile cyberattacks conducted by Russia and China against the US public and private sectors.

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WeChat Suspends New User Registrations to Comply with Chinese laws

Tencent-owned WeChat has suspended new user registrations in mainland China while it upgrades its security to comply with “relevant laws and regulations”. It comes amid a continued regulatory crackdown against Chinese tech giants.

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IBM Contributes Kestrel Threat Hunting Tool to OASIS Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA)

Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA), an OASIS Open Project, today announced it has accepted IBM’s contribution of Kestrel, an open-source programming language for threat hunting.

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SolarWinds Hackers Strike Again: Kremlin-backed Group Hits Microsoft Customers

The Russian state-backed group behind the SolarWinds hack has conducted further cyberattacks, this time against Microsoft and its customers.

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Risky Biz Soap Box: EclecticIQ's CEO Joep Gommers on Operationalising Threat Intelligence

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EclecticIQ Platform Delivers Threat Intelligence, Hunting, and Response Capabilities

EclecticIQ launched EclecticIQ Platform, which puts “Intelligence at the core” of cyber defense.

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EclecticIQ platform: Intelligence at the Core

On 24 June 2021, EclecticIQ has launched their new EclecticIQ Platform, which puts “Intelligence at the core™” of cyber defense. The new open and extensible platform is built on the robust threat intelligence solution (TIP).

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ASM Tech spurts 5% after partnership with Netherlands-based EclecticIQ for new Cybersecurity Managed Services Offering

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Fake COVID contact tracers

CyberWire discusses the findings of an investigation into instances of threat actors actively pushing malicious Android packages disguised as legitimate contact tracing applications, jointly conducted by EclecticIQ and ThreatFabric

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The evolution of ransomware threats in the energy sector

EclecticIQ's ransomware expert looks at the significant increase in ransomware operations targeting the energy industry vertical, taking advantage of this sector’s role in critical national infrastructure.

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CyberKnight, EclecticIQ Augment Threat Detection, Hunting And Response

Announcement that CyberKnight and EclecticIQ are bringing a reinforced threat intelligence platform to address security challenges in the region. The goal is to improve intelligence-led security by bringing bleeding-edge detection and threat hunting capabilities to the endpoint and cloud security market.

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Z-CERT and EclecticIQ Cooperate to Bring Benefits of CTI to Dutch Healthcare Sector

COVID-19-related developments have accelerated Z-CERT’s plans to implement CTI resources and found a partner to help accelerate this process in the shape of EclecticIQ. Z-CERTclosely collaborates with other national and international CERTs, such as the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) and the Information Security Service (ISS) for the municipalities, on a daily basis.

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EclecticIQ - Samen investeren in een Europees cybersecurity ecosysteem (Dutch)

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EclecticIQ and PolyLogyx join forces to bring intelligence-led security products to market

Summary of the announcement that EclecticIQ and PolyLogyx have joined forces to re-imagine how security analysts detect, hunt and respond to sophisticated threats.

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EclecticIQ Joins Forces with Endpoint Solution Provider PolyLogyx

EclecticIQ and PolyLogyx join forces to collaborate on accelerating the adoption of intelligence-led security across industries and re-imagining threat detection, hunting and response.

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EclecticIQ: Building Next-Gen Intelligence-Powered Cybersecurity

An in-depth interview with EclecticIQ CEO and founder Joep Gommers on his company and the future of the CTI industry.

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Typosquatting & duplication of pharmaceutical domain: Possibly used for phishing activity

A look at EclecticIQ's analysts research on the duplication of a major US pharmaceutical company’s domain, possibly used for phishing activities.

How diverse teams can help protect your business against cyber-attacks

How can we expect a cybersecurity team that is homogenous in its composition, in its mindset and decision-making, to protect an employee base of varying ages, genders, and social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds? Find out more in this article.

Hacking as a Service?

EclecticIQ expert commentary on ethical hacking and penetration testing (page 8 &9).

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EclecticIQ’s new browser extension helps analysts capture threat indicators automatically

EclecticIQ has released a new browser extension, specifically made for its Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP). The extension lets analysts process threat data directly from their web browse

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EclecticIQ continues its global expansion, reaching significant milestones in 2019

After a strong 2019 with revenue growing by 84 percent, EclecticIQ is gearing up for more growth and innovation in 2020.

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Top Dutch startups to follow in 2020

EclecticIQ list as one of the most exciting companies to watch in the Netherlands ' 2020 startup ecosystem.

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Kaspersky partners with EclecticIQ to empower businesses with first-hand threat-intelligence

In a new partnership, Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds, APT Intelligence Reports and Threat Lookup service will provide EclecticIQ customers with key expertise to enhance their understanding, prevention and reaction to the latest cyberthreats.

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How will the UK tech sector be affected by Brexit?

EclecticIQ expert commentary on how a cyber security skills gap in the UK could widen after Brexit.

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Data Privacy Day: Security industry highlights key issues

Gijs Roeffen, Director IT & Security at EclecticIQ gives tips for data privacy.

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Amsterdam Startups to Watch in 2020

EclecticIQ is listed among the fast-growing companies to watch on the 2020 list of Seedtable.

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Going for gold: Security learnings for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

With the Olympics just months away, EclecticIQ Fusion Center Analyst Ippolito Forni looks into how prepared Japan is for a possible cyber attack?

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Threat Intelligence

Is automation the future of mature threat intelligence? asks Chris O’Brien, Director Intelligence Collaboration at EclecticIQ.

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EclecticIQ hires Michel de Jong as Chief Operating Officer

EclecticIQ has appointed Michel de Jong as Chief Operating Officer (COO), alongside additional strategic hires. These additions to the leadership team prepare EclecticIQ for its next expansion phase in 2020.

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How fake news could ruin Britain's next election

A report commissioned by The Telegraph from cybersecurity firm EclecticIQ found that one of the key threats to a potential election in the UK would be the spread of disinformation on social media.

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Cybersecurity giants join forces to combat cyberthreats under OASIS umbrella

EclecticIQ along with partners such as IBM formed the Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) with the aim to combat cyber threats under the auspices of OASIS.

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Threat intelligence and the role of automation in improving security

Chris O’Brien, Director Intelligence Collaboration at EclecticIQ discusses how important it is for analysts to remember that, just because we can automate the process, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth learning, as well as the role of automation on the future.

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Product Review - EclecticIQ Platform 2.4

SC Magazine reviewed EclecticIQ Platform and gave our Threat Intelligence Platform a 5 out of 5 rating.

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Maximizing the Use of Enterprise Cyber-Threat Intelligence Feeds

This article highlights the need for Cyber-Threat Information Sharing and mentions EclecticIQ Fusion Center as an example for integrating CTI into the SIEM.

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Communication, communication, communication: the route to actionable cyber threat intelligence

Intelligence on an adversary can mean the difference between victory and defeat, but poor communication often leads to misunderstanding or a garbled message. From a CTI perpective, this can result in security teams struggling to reap the full benefits of intelligence.

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The path to actionable cyber threat intelligence

EclecticIQ's Chris O'Brien on how CTI would benefit from a protocol to help create a common framework for idea-sharing.

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Using OpSec to protect yourself at security industry events

Detailed overview of measures that one can take to protect oneself during IT security industry events.

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Avoiding cyber disaster

Interview with EclecticIQ's CEO Joep Gommers on how cyber crime has evolved from disturbance to disaster – and how threat intelligence technology can be used to avoid it.

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Today’s cyber threat landscape and mitigating appropriately

Eclectic IQ’s Aleksander W Jarosz, Threat Intelligence Analyst, on how we can respond to today’s cyber threats.

What's new in ransomware and how can businesses stay ahead of the threat?

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Disinformation effort targeted at EU Parliament Elections

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How security & intelligence can share the same language

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Free Boxing Streams are being hidden on the most popular video sites

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Understanding the modern ransomware landscape

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Cyber Threats: How to manage intelligence in a multi-risk environment

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Top 10 cybersecurity startups from Amsterdam that help you fight off hackers

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Lessons learned from Ukraine elections

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Spire Solutions and EclecticIQ ink Middle East partnership

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Psychological Warfare and Information Operations: The Real Threat to Western Democracy

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Election Hacking

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German Politicians Personal Details Hacked

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Russia Or The Far-Right: Who Hacked German Politics?

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How not to get hacked in 2019

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Hackers leak details of German politicians

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Hackers leak details of German politicians

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5 Things We Know about the German Hack, from Porn to Mirrors

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Why We Should Focus on ‘How,’ not ‘Who,’ of Cyberattacks

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Spike in Brexit-themed phishing attacks expected once withdrawal agreement is finalised

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Why is ‘Attribution’ Still the Focus Following Cyber Attacks?

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EclecticIQ strengthens threat intelligence for infrastructures with new integrations

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UK foils more than 10 cyber attacks per week, says GCHQ

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EclecticIQ Platform 2.3 Brings Improved Collaboration and Data Management Features

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EclecticIQ Platform 2.3 brings improved collaboration and data management features

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Cyber security: Your boss doesn't care and that's not OK anymore

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European Threat Intelligence provider EclecticIQ Increases North American investment with Channel Manager appointment

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6 most talented online entrepreneurs in the Netherlands that deserve your attention right now

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The Vulnerability Disclosure Process Still Broken

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Batten down the ports: Linux networking bug SegmentSmack could remotely crash systems

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Inzicht in digitale dreigingen (Dutch)

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The digital ‘bank job’ – investigating the unprecedented rise in crypto threats

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Tour de France 2018 live stream sites that let cycling fans watch race online for free pose risk

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Adjusting to GDPR compliance challenges for threat intelligence analysts

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Typical 24: Joep Gommers, EclecticIQ

EclecticIQ integrates with MITRE’s ATT&CK framework

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A Different Kind Of Heist: How Cryptocurrency Is Churning Profits For Criminals

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The evolution of the cyber threat landscape – what’s next?

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GDPR’s Impact On Threat Intelligence Sharing

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Data Breach

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Ticketmaster security breach - the industry speaks

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World Cup streaming: Free live feeds online can endanger football fans who try to watch them

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World Cup Russian hacking threat is real, security experts warn

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Why The North Korean Cyber Threat Shouldn't be Ignored

Effectively Managing Mistrust for Optimal Cybersecurity

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Working with Competitors

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10 Dutch Startups to Watch in 2018

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10 amazing start-ups from Amsterdam to watch

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The World Cup in motion: the infrastructure behind the greatest show on earth

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Cybersecurity Managing Distrust: The Key To Cybersecurity

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Will Threat Intelligence Go Dark Under GDPR?

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The impact of GDPR on threat intelligence analysts

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The evolving threat landscape: nation state, third party attacks and cyber vandalism

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Identifying can be a waste of time

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The great attribution debate: Why we should focus on HOW not WHO

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Going for gold in the Cyber Olympics: a look at cybersecurity in Pyeongchang

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Cyberattacks In An Evolving Landscape – Should Businesses Be Worried?

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Автоматизация процессов киберразведки на основе решений класса Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) Источник (Russian)

Describes TIPs (incl. EclecticIQ platform) their competitive advantages and key technological features of each platform are given.

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The evolving threat landscape: nation state, third party attacks and cyber vandalism

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How to protect against the evolving threat landscape

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Fortune Term Sheet

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14 miljoen voor Amsterdamse startup die bedrijven veilig houdt (Dutch)

De Amsterdamse startup EclecticIQ heeft een investering van 14 miljoen euro opgehaald. Het cybersecuritybedrijf verkoopt geen traditionele beveiligingssoftware, maar een dashboard met data over digitale dreigingen. Met de investering wil het bedrijf flink gaan uitbreiden en voet aan de grond krijgen in de VS en Azië.

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Amsterdam-based EclecticIQ secures €14 million to further expand with its Cyber Threat Intelligence solution

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14 miljoen voor Amsterdamse startup die bedrijven veilig houdt (Dutch)

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Ben Verwaayen steekt miljoenen in Nederlandse beveiligings-start-up (Dutch)

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EclecticIQ launches Fusion Center Intelligence Essentials

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Cyber threat analysis training – why a robust platform is critical

Talented cyber threat analysts are in high demand as data breaches and cyber attacks continue to escalate.

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New infosec products of the week​: October 6, 2017

EclecticIQ Platform 2.0 gets intelligence reporting, new UI, and more

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EclecticIQ baut deutsches Team aus (German)

The hottest startups in Amsterdam

From AI to VR, Amsterdam is a launching pad for many EU test markets. EclecticIQ is mentioned on the top of the list.

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Drei Ebenen der IT-Sicherheit (German)

The UK's £1.9bn cyber-security spend – getting the priorities right

Computer Fraud & Security, Volume 2017, Issue 3. Article is behind a paywall.

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Interview with Raymon van der Velde, VP Product & Co-founder EclecticIQ

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EclecticIQ partners with SenseCy to bring leading Cyber Threat Intelligence technology to the Israeli cyber community

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“Cyberdreigingsinformatie nieuw antwoord op cyberaanvallen” (Dutch)

Minister-president Rutte brengt bezoekt aan The Hague Security Delta (Dutch)

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Plug Pulled on Soltra Edge Threat Info Sharing Platform

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NZITF deploys EclecticIQ to share cyber threat information

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WIRED Security 2016: Startup Stage

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Daar komen de whizzkids (Dutch)

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