The Threat Intelligence Platform that understands your business

Our AI-embedded Threat Intelligence Platform empowers your team with contextual insights that prioritize the threats that matter most. Cut through the noise with actionable intelligence tailored to your organization.


Proactive threat management that leads to better security

Intelligence Center is an AI-embedded threat intelligence platform that reduces data overload and analyst fatigue by delivering prioritized, context-specific insights. It facilitates faster, better informed decision-making by focusing on threats most relevant to your business.
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How our TIP helps your team

  • CTI Analysts

    Streamline your threat analysis with prioritized, contextual intelligence that reduces data overload and enhances detection.
    Explore our platform
    Our platform offers:
    • prioritized-insights Prioritized insights
    • contextual-intelligence Contextual intelligence
    • seamless-collaboration Seamless collaboration
  • SOC Analysts

    Reduce alert fatigue and accelerate incident response with real-time, actionable intelligence tailored to your operational needs.
    Explore our platform
    Our platform offers:
    • automated-alert-prioritization Automated alert prioritization
    • accelerated-incident-response Accelerated incident response
    • unified-view Unified view
  • Cybersecurity Leaders and CISO

    Safeguard your organization with intelligence-driven decision-making.
    Request a strategic consultation
    Our platform offers:
    • informed-decision-making Informed decision-making
    • executive-reporting Executive reporting
    • proactive-risk-management Proactive risk management
  • MSSPs

    Deliver scalable, differentiated threat intelligence services with automation and customized insights that enhance client value.
    Discuss potential partnership
    Our platform offers:
    • scalable-intelligence-delivery Scalable intelligence delivery
    • operational-efficiency Operational efficiency
    • tailored-threat-intelligence Tailored threat intelligence

What sets us apart

EclecticIQ provides a comprehensive security platform offering faster threat detection, centralized views, seamless collaboration, and real-time insights for streamlined threat management and response.
  • Faster threat detection and response

    Leverage AI, contextual intelligence, and real-time dashboards with visualizations to neutralize critical threats with precision.
  • Centralized security view

    Integrate all security tools and data feeds into one platform, providing a real-time view of your entire security landscape.
  • Seamless collaboration

    Share insights, assign tasks, and generate strategic reports to keep teams and leadership aligned.
  • Expanded security reach

    Integrate threat intelligence into your existing tools with pre-built integrations, APIs, and SDKs for more effective threat hunting and rapid response.

Words from our customers

Our technology is helping teams every day.
EclecticIQ helped us solve our biggest challenge: aggregating and working with a lot of different information sources.
EclecticIQ’s threat intelligence platform has been an excellent product for our developing CTI unit. Our team has really enjoyed working with such an innovative tool that seamlessly aggregates intel sources. The platform’s constant improvements and the supportive, friendly EclecticIQ team has made our experience amazing. Highly recommend for CTI teams worldwide.
Head of Cyber Threat Analysis Cell
National Cyber Security Centre

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